The maps reproduced here are a timely reminder, given the state of the Eurozone and the protracted attempts to deal with the debt crisis, of just how much we all generalise about the characteristics of other countries.
They're the work of Bulgarian-born graphic designer Yanko Tsvetkov who uses the pseudonym alphadesigner because, as he says, "that usually makes people think what I do is really important. That's why I chose it."
Europe according to France, Germany, Britain, the United States and others are part of the appropriately entitled project which has produced Mapping Sterotypes, the ultimate bigot's calendar of Europe.
Of course they're purely satirical and rely on clichés and stereotypes.
But isn't there also a revealing element of truth in showing us how ignorant and intolerant we often are of one another?
It helps if you know your European geography a the other hand, perhaps it doesn't matter a jot.
The 2012 calendar is available online now, although sadly it doesn't include Berlusconi's "vision" but there again you could alway order that as a tee-shirt, mug or poster.
Take a look at alphadesigner's site. Who knows, you might even find the ideal (dare it be said) Christmas present for your (least) favourite bigot.
Europe according to Britain

Europe according to the USA
Europe according to Spain

Europe according to Germany

Europe according to Greece
And finally, Europe according to Berlusconi

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