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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Toulouse begins preparing for Christmas - What?


While most French are concentrating on la rentrée - getting back into the school or work routine after the summer holidays - the local authority of the southwestern city of Toulouse has other things on its mind.


Christmas lights Toulouse 2012 (screenshot from video)

 It's only early September and already the council has begun putting up the Christmas lights!

Nope, it's not a (very) late April Fool, rather an attempt to save money according to Emilion Esnault, the municipal councillor responsible for street lighting.

"The idea is not to leave everything until the last moment (editor's note - no kidding!) and having to ask outside contractors to carry out the work because we don't have the manpower," he told France Bleu radio.

"That's expensive. Instead we can minimise the costs and use our resources more effectively."

So if for some peculiar reason, you're in desperate need of an early shot of Yuletide spirit, you know where to head to - or not, as the case may be?

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