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Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Snails, sardines and "helpful" police advice for Paris drivers

So this flashed up on Sytadin, a site some of those who live and work in Île-de-France might use to find out information on the traffic flow in and around Paris.

And just look at the helpful recommendations  La Préfecture de Police is offering drivers to avoid the tailbacks expected on the road as taxi drivers all but block access to Paris from both the major airports with their opération escargot which will see them driving at a snail's pace.

Screenshot Sytadin

"La Préfecture de Police conseille aux automobilistes, notamment en matinée, de différer leurs déplacements vers la Capitale ou d’emprunter le métro pour les résidents les plus proches de Paris."

Or summarised, they're advising motorists to try to leave at a different time (earlier) or take public transport.

Yep - as the first reports on breakfast telly showed, Wednesday is going to be a fun day with the opportunity of becoming intimately acquainted with complete strangers as those needing to get into Paris, are sardined into heaving métro carriages.

Still, there's always the train...or would be, if trade unions weren't on strike too meaning that there'll be a limited rail service.

screenshot BFM TV

Have a great day!

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