That's what the most recent of many (many) polls, this time carried out by Ifop.
But that didn't impress the writer of an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal who launched a scathing assessment of Sarkozy's campaigning tactics and in particular his recent remarks on TV that France had "too many foreigners" and his threat during a rally at the weekend to suspend this country's participation in Schengen, if elected.
"Cynical", "xenophobic"and 'ugly" were just a few of the words used to describe a policy which the opinion writer said - not surprisingly probably for those who've been watching event unfold here - was an ill-disguised attempt to woo those who might feel inclined to vote for Marine Le Pen's far-right Front National.
Take a read. Here's the link.
It's not exactly long. It's well worth it.
And it has to be said, it's spot on.
Some within Sarkozy's supposedly centre-right Union pour un Mouvement Populaire, (Union for a Popular Movement, UMP) would doubtlessly leap up in public defence of his tactics.
But surely there must be a seemingly silent number among UMP ranks who are privately horrified by the lengths to which their candidate will go to be re-elected.
Politics doesn't have to be so disgusting, does it?
Apparently so.
Well I have to say, I'm traditionally a conservative, and, not that I vote in France, have always had a lot of sympathy for the UMP government and President Sarkozy.
I have watched several political debates over the last weeks, and I have been absolutely dismayed by the arguments thrown out by Sarkozy, to attract the votes of the Front National. Absolutely appalling!
I realise that Sarkozy does not have any fundamental beliefs or "political religion", he just wants to get reelected and by any means. I told Sophie, my cleaner, that France would be better off with Mr Hollande, or better, Mr. Bayrou, who loves horses. Surely, somebody like that must be a good person.
On flirt avec l'extreme droite. On aide les integriste dans les pays arabe. Ces types de "droite" n'ont plus de dignite.
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