Morel who, in that time-honoured French tradition seems to be able to turn his hand to more than one profession at a time, has a weekly slot, "Le billet de François Morel" on Friday mornings on the French national public radio station France Inter.
It's five minutes during which Morel gives listeners his take on some of the stories that have made the news over the past week in France.
And last Friday it was "no holds barred" as the 52-year-old began his spot by fair laying in to two government ministers; Nora Berra, the junior minister for health, and Nadine Morano, the junior minister responsible for learning and training.
"Shut up Nora Berra," he began his commentary.
"Shut up Nora Berra, who recommended that the homeless stay indoors (during the cold spell)," he continued, just warming up.
"Shut up Nadine Morano, who thinks Eva Joly (the presidential candidate for the snappily-named Europe Écologie Les Verts, EELV or French Green party) has a problem with her accent and her body," he said.
"Nadine Morano has a problem with her brain."

Yep, Morel wasn't mincing his words and in the case of Morano in particular, he probably had good cause.
While the remainder of his spot wandered off into more philosophical matters - not necessarily easy listening while getting ready for work - his opening salvoes surely, had highlighted an essential problem with some government ministers: their inability to think before they speak or publish something.
In the case of Berra it was that isolated, in her words, "error of interpretation" over her recommendation to the homeless to stay inside during the cold weather.
As far as Morano was concerned though, there have been a series of blunders - deliberate or unintentional - which make her governmental credentials almost Benny Hill-esque.
The list runs from telling "young Muslims in France that they should dress properly, find a job and stop speaking slang" to confusing "Renault" the car manufacturer with "Renaud" the singer during an early morning interview on Canal +.
And everything in between.
It would be fair to say that not a week seems to go by without Morano boldy putting her tootsie well and truly where no foot has dared to tread - in her mouth.
Last week she added to them by not only criticising Joly's accent (she was born in Norway just in case you didn't know, and first moved to France in her late teens) but also her look.
While busy "explaining" her most recent "misunderstood" gaffe, the 48-year-old then went on to score another own goal.
It happened after the inveterate Tweeter and texter sent an SMS to former government minister and current mayor of Nice in which she reportedly warned him about the prime minister, François Fillon, writing (you do the translation), "Attention Christian, Fillon te chie dans les bottes."
Only she apparently hit the wrong button when sending it, and the recipient Fillon rather than Estrosi.
So perhaps Morel really was speaking for many French when he colourfully told Morano to...well, you know.
1 comment:
She's such a vulgar woman, I don't know how she's able to hold a ministerial position, nobody can respect such a foul-mouthing individual.
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