Just when you think everything has been said that could be on the subject, along comes another twist to the tale.
Perhaps you remember that France currently has two elected national beauty Misses; the official one known as Miss France (how original) Laury Thilleman and her rival Miss Nationale Barbara Morel.
For a detailed explanation as to how that came about you can click here.
But for the Twitterers among you who prefer bite-sized chunks;
"Organiser of Miss France contest since way back when gets uppity with company who bought rights for official competition and does her own thing."
How many characters is that?
Never mind.
Back to the breaking - er perhaps broken - news of the past couple of days.
There's yet another Miss France - the third in less than a month.

She's 21-year-old Mathilde Florin from the north of France and was a runner-up in the Miss Flandres 2009 competition, when the world of beauty pageants and tiaras seemed a much simpler affair here in France.
Florin was another elected in Paris on December 19 by le Comité Miss France historique, a committee established in 1954 and the sole body, it claims, with the right to choose a Miss who can be called Miss France.
While Florin will not be joining Thilleman in the Miss World and Universe jamborees, or Morel at...well to be honest nobody really seems to be very sure where Morel will be headed after becoming Miss Nationale...she does have a couple of international dates lined up as the new Miss France er, let's say "mark II" for the sake of clarification.
There's the heady heights of representing her country at Miss World University, which is held in the South Korean capital, Seoul, every year.
And she'll be hotfooting it along to the Philippines to take part in yet another contest, this time Miss Earth.
Reactions to the third Miss (France) to be crowned in just one month include, from the celebrity gossip site News de Stars, "Perhaps as in boxing there'll be a reunification bout so that just one woman holds all three titles."
And the comment from Cosmopolitan France that "At this rate, there'll soon be more Misses than cheeses here in France."
miss mathilde florin
envoyé par IndicateurdesFlandres. - L'info internationale vidéo.
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