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Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Sarkozy minds his manners - and other's

A video of the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, gently reprimanding a technician for his poor manners just before an interview on public television has become an instant Internet hit.

The recording took place on Monday evening just as Sarkozy was preparing for a live 90-minute interview with journalists on public television to discuss his plans for the next six months as France takes over the rotating presidency of the European Union.

Somehow the footage - of course never meant for broadcast - made it out of the studios of France 3 television and almost inevitably on to the Net, appearing on Dailymotion's website and drawing around half a million hits in the first day.

Perhaps the whole incident shouldn't be taken too seriously, after all it is said with a wink. But at the same time Sarkozy does seem to make rather a meal of the issue commenting that such behaviour is a "question of upbringing" and "when you've been invited, the least you can expect is that people will say hello."

Of course it's not the first time the normally media-savvy Sarkozy has been caught on camera being slightly less than presidential.

Few will forget the incident earlier this year at the annual agricultural fair in Paris when he insulted a visitor who refused to shake his hand with the infamous phrase "Casse toi pauvre con" or (polite version) "Get lost then you bloody idiot."

Clearly Sarkozy - not exactly the model of appropriate etiquette himself some might say - has a problem with what he perceives as other people's bad manners.

France 3 has launched an inquiry into how the footage was recorded.

Not surprising Sarkozy's office has refused to comment on the incident.

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